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Baidyanath Jhansi Malla Tel, Kesar Yukt – 5 Ml liquid, Pack of 2


Baidyanath Jhansi Malla Tel, Kesar Yukt – 5 Ml liquid, Pack of 2

Original price was: $24.29.Current price is: $15.29.

Brand: Baidyanath
Benefits: Men’s Sexual Stamina
Use For: Men’s
Item Form: Liquid
Qty: 2 x 5ml: 10ml

SKU: BDN68 Categories: ,

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Baidyanath Jhansi Malla Taila 20ml for improve Stamina

Quantity: 5ml
Shelf Life: 700 Days
For strengthening and regulating blood circulation
Target Audience: Unisex

Ingredients: Ayurvedic

as directed by physician.

Product description :
One of india’s most respected companies, shree baidyanath ayurved bhawan pvt. Ltd. (Jhansi), popularly known as baidyanath, is the acknowledged leader of ayurvedic know-how. Established in 1917, the company has played a pioneering role in re-establishing ancient knowledge with modern research and manufacturing techniques. Ayurveda is a 5000 year old science of health care and herbal treatment. Ayurveda, is highly effective in common and complicated ailments, assures long term relief and has no side effects. Ayurveda is now backed by modern scientific research and technologies and provides its gentle healing touch to millions around the world.


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